"You have to try the impossible to achieve the possible."
Hermann Hesse

– Safe and sound
A strong team
Our corporate culture is based on the joint effort of all employees. We trust one another, work together responsibly and are friendly, open, and respectful. We make the best possible use of all our strengths and potential to bring our company forward.
"Working together has always been the great strength of the team at Schrack Seconet, and I think that working together is a cornerstone of their success."
Gerhard Königstorfer
Head of Customer Service Upper Austria
Head of Customer Service Upper Austria

– Safe and sound
Always at the cutting edge
Technical systems and future-oriented concepts by Schrack Seconet protect people and assets – reliably and for many years. We are a premium supplier of high-quality security technology that makes life a lot safer for all of us.
"One of the reasons we continue to be competitive is because we use the latest technology. Our customers can rely on being technically up to date."
Stefan Felder
Customer Service
Customer Service

– Safe and sound
A reliable partner
Our principle is evolution, not revolution. The vision we follow is to create individual solutions that meet the latest standards and at the same time are forward and backward compatible over several generations. Solutions that you can simply rely on.
"Like in your private life: it's all about being together! This is what Schrack Seconet has managed to do perfectly for decades."
Martin Pataky
Head of National Sales Tyrol & Vorarlberg
Head of National Sales Tyrol & Vorarlberg

– Safe and sound
Guaranteed Authenticity
For our customers and business partners we are a trustworthy partner true to their word. We believe that the best solutions can only succeed when we work together – and we definitely won’t change that in the future.
"Unfortunately, in today's fast-paced and short-lived world, this form of interaction is becoming less common. That is why it is even more pleasing that we have always cultivated this style within the company and are still proud to be involved in other successful projects, businesses and customer relationships."

– Safe and sound
Connected to our roots & open to the world
Our roots are in Austria; our home is Europe. Research and development have the highest priority for us. With dedication and the latest technologies, we implement future-oriented solutions with long-term value worldwide.
"Traditional and 'conservative' open, almost friendly relationship with our partners. Fully understanding, maximum support. Partners know we do not expect only figures from them, they feel our honest wish to work with them at all projects."
Tomislav Dusak

– Safe and sound
An innovative pioneer
Within the Securitas Group, we are the competence centre for fire alarm and communication systems. In these areas, we are an innovation pioneer that sets standards and makes the very most of the opportunities offered by digitalisation.
"Great things in business are never done by one person, they’re done by a team of people."
Steve Jobs
"To aim low is the lack of care. To aim high, to push the boundaries of technology and innovations, keep setting standard is the only way to go forward, to protect and secure the future of each and everyone of us - the company, partners, investors, end users..."
Sanja Peric / Zoran Vrbaski
"Values are caught and not taught.“
Viktor E. Frankl
– We believe in
mutual respect
We put people first. We are always ready to lend an ear to our employees and partners whenever needed. Trusting cooperation over many years is of utmost importance to us. In addition to product care and value retention over the entire life cycle, this is the foundation for a successful business relationship.
– We believe in
individual strengths
Our employees play an active role. We take responsibility for our actions. We work with professionalism and motivation, enabling us to deliver top performance.
"To be able to follow something through to the end and then call it your success (or failure) was and still is one of the most important and motivating things for me at Schrack Seconet. […]"
Christoph Jaritz
Head of National Sales Styria & Southern Burgenland
Head of National Sales Styria & Southern Burgenland
"It's unbelievable what you can achieve together. We must preserve this value by all means, it is everybody's responsibility. We really do have something special in our company – I hope it will stay that way for a long time to come."
Markus Korunka
Head of National Sales Vienna, Lower Austria & Burgenland
Head of National Sales Vienna, Lower Austria & Burgenland
– We believe in
moving forward together
Everything we do is focussed on the well-being of our business partners – their satisfaction is the yardstick for our actions. We are motivated to meet the highest expectations. Through personal dedication we want to contribute to the success of our partners.
– We believe in
ongoing development
With inventiveness, competence and dedication we implement trendsetting innovations and efficient processes. Our goal is the successful continuous development of our company. That is why we give our best – day after day.
"I like that we make an effort to continue evolving. As with a human body, you have to take care of the heart (the technology) and the pulse. That is why we are constantly striving to develop further, to expand further and to guarantee safety and function through regular system checks."
National Sales Styria & Southern Burgenland
National Sales Styria & Southern Burgenland
"To be first and the best, to ensure the best solutions, to protect lives and secure values in the best possible way."
Sanja Peric / Zoran Vrbaski
– We believe in
innovative ideas
We are constantly working on making our security systems even more advanced. For us, being innovative means developing new ideas and having the stamina to get them ready for the market. That is how we achieve technological excellence that leads our industry. The highest quality, developed and produced in Central Europe, is the claim that we live by.
– We believe in
exemplary flexibility
Customer requirements change and product cycles become shorter. We see this change as an opportunity for further development. We approach new tasks with agility and take on the challenges of the working world of today and tomorrow.
"Many system configurations are the result of customer requests. The ability to respond quickly and flexibly is appreciated by many and is precisely why they buy from Schrack Seconet. The customer has the requirement; we have the solution."
Markus Korunka
Head of National Sales Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland
Head of National Sales Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland
"Our company values through everyday business become values of our partners and they are reaching beyond... to every person, every family in everyday life. Bringing safety and reliability, something you can count on, that will not let you down in the time of a need and danger. Protecting lives we secure values, we protect the future."
Sanja Peric / Zoran Vrbaski
– We believe in
safety in all respects
Safety is more important today than ever before. Our products make a key contribution to this fundamental need and protect people and values. The expertise and dedication of our employees ensures they give their best every day in implementing solutions that are designed for many years of use with maximum reliability and precision.